Ticket Booking Guidance Header image

Ticket Booking Guide

Our buses have plenty of features to help you relax and have the most convenient and comfortable travel experience.

How can I reserve a seat?

Ticket Booking Guide

Ticket Booking Guidance

Booking on our website

  • Step 1: Please select the departure point, destination, departure date, number of people, etc., that are suitable for your trip. Then click 'Book Ticket'.
  • Step 2: Enter passenger information including NAME, PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL. Then click 'Continue.'
  • Step 3: Choose the payment method as 'Visa/Master/AMX/Discover' and enter the required information.
  • Step 4: Review the booked trip information. After making sure all the information is correct, please click 'Payment' to complete the booking. You will receive a text/email confirming your booking. When you arrive at the bus station, please bring this confirmation message/email to check in.

Booking hotline

  • Step 1: Call us at the following phone numbers: 408-729-7885 , 714-839-3500 , 888-834-9336
  • Step 2: Inform the office staff about the trip you want to book
  • Step 3: 1 day before departure date, you will receive a confirmation message about your trip, please answer YES to keep your ticket and NO to cancel your ticket.
  • Step 4: After answering YES to keep your ticket, you will receive a QR TICKET CODE for your trip via text message from the office. Please bring a message containing this ticket code to the station to check in.

***The office is open from 7am -> 7pm, please call during business hours for the best support.

Ticket Booking Guidance